Five reasons to ‘shop local’

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Five reasons to ‘shop local’

1. Local stores produce more income, jobs and taxes for communities than big-box chain stores
– Locally-owned store: $100 spent / $45 stays in the local economy
– Big-Box chain store: $100 spent / $15 stays in the local economy

2. Local businesses are more likely to use other businesses including local banks, media to advertise and other services

3. Supporting local businesses contributes to a community’s character and economic diversity. One-of-a-kind businesses are a distinctive part of the character of a community that bucks the trend of homogenized big-box chain stores.

4. Local businesses are more accountable to their own communities. They’re owned by people who live in the community and are more invested in the community’s future.

5. Supporting local businesses is good for the environment. Locally owned businesses can make more local purchases, requiring less transportation of goods.

Source: Intuit Infographic